Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Lost in this world: Continuing my stories in Netherlands

After a little break, new year - 2011 - break, I'm returning to continuing my stories, now, Im telling you my story about my life in Netherlands.
Well, I was telling you about my frustration about live up north, in Harlingen and work in Amsterdam

Well, my job, my colleagues, it was a new life in this point, starting to me, all very exciting, I was very happy about it, but not happy with my personal live, living in Harlingen, starting to be very disappointing with my relationship.Everyday I was waking up praying my life will change for something that I like, I believe many of us waking up hoping it.

Well, during I guess 6 months, almost one year I was hoping my personal life could change, until one day my ex got completely insane, fed up and went to company I was working in Amsterdam and made a huge scandal to everybody in the company, said terrible things about me, how horrible I was as I 'didn't want' to get a job just around Harlingen etc, etc, etc... of course all his point of view, and how he was feeling.
It was a big thing to the company management and I could understand it until the day the HR called me and fire me up. This was a big damage for this almost nothing relationship, but I did manage to don't look thing in such a bad way.

I've try to find a job just around Harlingen, but it was almost impossible because:

1 - my dutch, I could speak a few dutch but most companies found not enough to work.

2 - Harlingen is a inner country village, so not many business going on around there

3 - funny enough, happened exactly what is going on to me now (very difficult to find a job in Brasilia), 'well specialized' 'why you don't go to live in the main cities, there definitely you can find something for you'

Well, I found my destiny was get married and have kids, nothing else to me there.
I thought about it, but something inside me was going against this decision, it was not for me, I'm too much independent to agree to this 'destiny'!

Then I returned to Brazil completely sad and destroyed, thinking I did try, but it looked like it is not for me there. But I think I told you before Im very persistant, so after a few month I returned to Netherlands to try for the last time. And this time it was the worse time, the relationship was completely dead.

Then I got crazy and sent my CV to Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam to the biggest cities in Netherlands and yes, I received some really good offers in these cities to move there to work there, but my visa was completely connected to my ex and he was completely against move out Harligen to help me, for him the best solution was I become a mother, once more I was sure he was not the man for me.

Continuing my stories in Netherlands

After a little break, new year - 2011 - break, I'm returning to continuing my stories, now Im telling you my story about my life in Netherland.

My life there was quite OK, the only problem for me and my ex boyfriend was that I was working in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a world apart in Netherlands, my feeling there was has not much about the Dutch way to be, more traditional; Amsterdam is very much, at least, seems much more liberal, open minded.

For me, living in Harlingen, small village situated in a very traditional area in Netherlands, and work Amsterdam, a very liberal city there, after a while it was a shock!

And emotionally it started to do a damage on me

I mean, I'm not exactly the sort of girl that can live well satisfied in a small village, I was trying to adapt myself to this reality but it was hard for me, specially living practically alone as my ex was going to work on the sea for 3 months; I knew people that I could enjoy myself with, but all them living around or in Amsterdam.

It was a tough time for me, I had love and money but in some ways very away from me - love yes, but my ex was 3 months away, working - money, yes, but I needed to drive everyday 2 hours to work and I wasn't live close to work, in Amsterdam!

Working in Amsterdam, feeling the atmosphere there and most of my workmates living there I started to feel pretty tempted to live there, I suggested it to my ex, and the answer was pretty rude ' It is much more expensive to live in Amsterdam ' and I tried to argue about the benefits to live there etc...

Then start my final nightmare there :(